Washington County sees small turnout in the morning as early voting begins in Maryland

New_Maryland_Districts-62a76926289ffb30121da470_Jun_14_2022_21_46_39_1New maps for Maryland voters have created challenges for election officials, ...

July 7, 2022
11:34 PM

New_Maryland_Districts-62a76926289ffb30121da470_Jun_14_2022_21_46_39_1New maps for Maryland voters have created challenges for election officials, candidates, and voters alike.A small number of registered voters showed up to the Washington County Board of Elections headquarters on Virginia Avenue in Halfway at 7 a.m. Monday as doors opened to begin early voting for the state of Maryland.Barry Jackson, deputy director for the county election board told The Herald-Mail that, typically, the first and last days of early voting are the busiest, citing the 2020 Presidential Election turnout and relating the long lines to "Disney World.

Michael D. Garcia